Holy Assumption Orthodox Church is a parish in the Diocese of the Midwest of the Orthodox Church in America, located in north, central Wisconsin in the village of Lublin. We are the closest active Orthodox church to Marshfield, Wausau, Eau Claire, and all the cities, towns, and villages in between. We have parishioners that travel over an hour to get to church.
Holy Assumption has a lengthy and rich history in America. Founded in 1908, it is one of the oldest Orthodox churches in continuous use in Wisconsin. The first members, Carpatho-Russian-Galicians, immigrated from an area once under the control of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. They had the Orthodox faith but were administratively under Eastern Rite Catholic Church (Byzantine Catholic). Once they were settled in and around Lublin they built a church where they might worship, baptize, and educate their children in the Orthodox faith. In the 1950s the parish decided to return to their roots and voted to rejoin the canonical Orthodox Church.